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Allen Berger, PhD, Clincal Psychologist
Herb Kaighan, Spiritual Guide

Who should attend? ALL who are interested in improving the quality of their life; especially those in any 12 Step Fellowship.

Dr. Berger and Herb K. will unpack 12 Core Principles of Emotional Sobriety that each sustain emotional growth. This powerful experience will give each participant an opportunity to look at the current quality of life from a fresh perspective and have a new personal experience.

Transformation creates a new attitude and experience towards ourselves, others and “Power”. This workshop creates a template for emotional growth helping us:

  • discern and manifest our true self,
  • identify our internal obstacles to joy by practicing these Principles,
  • live with balance, humility and vitality,
  • be the determining force in our own lives and a positive force in our community.

Honestly ask yourself:

  • What are the sources of the symptoms of my current suffering?
  • Do I have a quality life?
  • Do I have balance?
  • Do I have a sense of personal value, purpose and meaning?

Attendees will experience a process for:

  • Identifying the obstacles to quality living”
  • Holding on to yourself, regaining your balance after you have lost it, discover the path to authentic freedom and happiness.
  • Fostering your life, having personal freedom and VIBRANT relationships.
9AM-1PM Saturday, October 16th, 2021 Schedule (ALL TIMES PST)
9:00AM Orientation
10:00AM Application of Effective Principles
11:00AM Awareness and Action
12:00PM Conclusion

Cost and Registration

Each workshop is $45. Zoom Information and links will be emailed to you a few days before each event.
To register, call Jose at (310) 377-4867 x250, email him at jsalas@maryjoseph.org, or visit www.maryjoseph.org.


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